Sunday, February 11, 2007

Whenever I get what I want...

...I never seem to want it anymore.

A crazy woman once told me that people use other people the way a ten-year-old child uses a toy. We cast folks aside once they've fulfilled our purpose. We turn to someone new when we become bored with the novelty.

While the person who told me this was not only certifiably insane, but also a drug addict, she had a point. I hate to think of myself in such a callous manner, but it's true that I have a very short attention span. This isn't to say, however, that I cast people aside once they've served my purpose. I do have the ability to maintain friendship longevity. That said, when it comes to sex and lust, it's the chase I enjoy. The seduction. The anticipation. Sometimes, the culminating event is as good as the anticipation. But once it's over -- once I've got what I want -- what more is there, really?

1 comment:

Billy Ray's Blues said...

I met a woman on Craig's List whom I have exchanged e-mails with from time to time. She recently sent me a link to your blog entry: On dating men with children. She seems nice (has a truly awesome body, too) but apparently, like you, suffers from Pedophobia. Since I want to have more children the possibility of a romantic development seems slim. But I liked reading your blog, so I perused some of the other entries and stumbled across this one. After reading it through, I can only come to one conclusion.

You have never had really great sex.

I know, who am I to question the deeply philosophical insights of the Saucy Vixen and an insane drug addict. Cheeky of me at best, I admit. Yet the evidence seems quite conclusive:

- “it’s the chase I enjoy” Really? Last I looked, just about any woman with functional genitalia can get just about any guy into bed with no effort at all. At closing time you don’t even need genitalia; a wig and a dress are about all it takes. Sorry, but I just can’t buy that one.

- “Sometimes, the culminating event is as good as the anticipation” Wow. That says it all. I have done my share of hunting, chasing, seducing and anticipating (once dated a woman 5 times before we had sex). There have been a couple of times when that was true; when the sex was mediocre and the chase was better. But the rest of the time? When the sex was really great? No way is the chase better. Nothing in life even comes close to being better than great sex. I am referring to rattle-the-windows, shake-the-furniture, wake-the-neighbors, I-lost-count-of-the-orgasms, OH-MY-GOD sex.

- “what more is there, really?” OK, stop and think for a minute. You meet someone, you like them enough to sleep with them (this is the really hard part for me, meeting someone I like well enough to sleep with them), you end up having one of the most incredible experiences of your life. What’s the next logical step here? DO IT AGAIN! And again, and again, and again. Why would you not? Sure, end it fast if the person starts showing signs of major issues, like heroin addiction or not liking pizza. But otherwise why end something great?

There is no other possible conclusion I can reach. Maybe it’s just me. Maybe I am a really-great-sex-addict. Maybe my priorities are out of whack. Maybe the people who have height, hair/eye color, literary preferences and favorite TV shows as traits they seek in a mate are right.

I know that the instant a TV show comes along that’s better than sex, I’m buying the biggest wide-screen hi-res set I can find. I’ll put it at the end of the bed and have sex while the show is on.