Friday, February 9, 2007

Crunchy stereotypes.

When I tell people (especially people at work) that I go to drum circle, their preconceived notions of what it is we do always entertains me. They generally have a mental picture that includes copious amounts of sex and drugs, as well as ritualistic headless chicken sacrifices. When it comes to the people involved, they always assume that my drum friends are crazy, flighty, wifty sorts who don't lead productive lives, hold down jobs, or use deodorant.

But today's weekly meeting entertained me more than anything else. One of my colleagues accused another one of my colleagues of being "crunchy" (which she happens to be).

"I am not crunchy!" she exclaimed. "Becca's crunchy!"

"No," was the response. "Becca's a hippie."

I love that in an office of liberal public servants, I'm considered the hippie.

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