Sunday, January 28, 2007

Part II: On Sleeping with married men.

So I woke up relatively early for a Sunday (9:00 a.m.), got out of bed, and posted my last entry. Then I checked my email and looked at the bulletins my friends post on myspace. I myself am not a bulletin poster. Why? Because the people who write the bulletins exchange "u" for "you" and other such nonsense, and I simply cannot allow myself to be a part of the dumbing down of America. But I am a bulletin voyeur, a saucy intruder, if you will. So I read. And I saw this question and answer:

Q: What would you do if a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he/she was married?
A: Wow reality hits here!

However, I am compelled to point out that the "sexy person" in question who is in pursuit of my friend is married-but-not-quite. He's separated, and if rumor is correct, in the process of divorce. This is not quite the same situation as the married-and-cheating man. I have no moral qualms with it. In fact, I don't really have moral qualms with any of it. If people want to cheat and/or sleep with married men, it's not my place to judge. I don't necessarily think less of people who partake in such activities, as Part I of this topic may have suggested. But the separated-but-not-yet-divorced man is a completely different animal altogether.

In fact, the separated-but-not-yet-divorced man may be entirely more dangerous. Take it from me. I've been there. When I first met my best friend and psuedo-ex-boyfriend, his wife had left him over a year before. It seems like a long time, but when you've been married for 13 years, it's really not. He was a mess. But he was single, even if not officially divorced. Therefore, I dove in. Here's a little known secret: Men who are in the process of divorce are rarely ready for a new relationship. The scary part is that many of them seem to be. They need someone, and they fasten on. They grab onto your ass like barnacles to a ship's bottom. And then disaster strikes.

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