Friday, January 5, 2007

Journalists and sex offenders.

A friend recently forwarded me the following "news" story:

If you don't feel like reading the whole thing, the gist of it is that a freelance journalist was arrested during the governor's parade when he took a photograph. This particular journalist was on a list of "political activists" who were considered a threat to security. He was arrested for Breach of Peace and Interfering with and Officer.

Or at least, that's what the story says. It quotes from the police report, and seems to sensationalize the issue, making it appear completely Orwellian and reprehensible. I, however, can't help but wonder what exactlt this guy did to piss off the cops. I'm skeptical that he was only innocently taking pictures. I'm left to believe that he said or did something he shouldn't have done, and then ignored the instructions of the police officers on the scene thereafter.

The comments posted underneath the story rant and rave about the indignity of it all. Some people call for a Legal Defense Fund for the middle-class-white-guy-journalist in question. Others quote the First Amendment.

I was incredibly annoyed by the groupthink mentality of a bunch of armchair liberals who get self-righteously indignant when one of their own gets into trouble. These same people, of course, rarely care when a indigent guilty criminal gets his rights trampled. Reading all the posts from these folks irritated me to no end. But then I actually became almost as enraged as the narcissistic crunchy liberals when I read the following:

One person simply stated, "Why aren't our government officials and law enforcement officers as efficient in ferreting out violent criminals, sex offenders and hypocrites as they are with 'political activists'?"

Are we to believe that the rights of liberal journalists are superior to the rights of violent criminals or sex offenders? A green party campgainer's First Amendment rights are more important than a criminal defendant's Fourth Amendment rights? Sometimes I feel as if the middle class liberals forget the bigger picture when they rally around a cause. When their rights get violated, they get enraged. But then they point out that political activists deserve better treatment than sex offenders... and they end up speaking against the fundamental foundations of justice -- the very things they are fighting for.

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