Sunday, December 10, 2006

Breaking up.

I broke up with my boyfriend last week. However, the only thing that has changed is the social label we assign to our relationship. I am now free to see whomever I please, so long as I am honest and up front about everything. One of two things is bound to happen given this arrangement: (1) We will fall right back into the relationship we had; or (2) everything will go smoothly until I actually start seeing someone else. This, of course, means that my partner either (1) is really okay with the set-up; or (2) is taking what he can get for now.

I'm not upset about this development. The truth is that this particular person is the best boyfriend I've had insomuch as he treats me extremely well. He is always on time. He is thoughtful. He cuts out cute cartoons he thinks I'll like. He comes to my place bearing cigarettes and a pint of ice cream without my ever having to ask. The so-called breakup has more to do with my general restlessness and desire to deviate from the status quo than with any of his faults or shortcomings.

But at the end of the day, I don't really think I have the energy to get back out there into the dating world. It's such a bleak place to venture into, full of assholes, idiots, and people with very poor syntax and punctuation.

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