Monday, December 25, 2006


When I was at training for my job, I delivered a make-believe closing argument. I hadn't really prepared for it and was less than thrilled to be presenting anything to anyone that day. At the end, my boss told me: "Your delivery was great. But you started to go a little Chewbacca on me." Chewbacca? W-what?? And then he explained the South Park episode to me.

Every now and then I'll be sitting in the lunch room at work and someone who is on trial will come in all nervous and shifty-eyed. "I've got nothing," he or she will say. "I close this afternoon and I've got nothing."

To which my boss will say, "There's always Chewbacca."

And so I uge you, dear readers, to check out the Chewbacca defense. And remember... it's only funny because it's true.

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