Sunday, December 16, 2007

Western Massachusetts.

Here's a tidbit for those of you who don't know:

When people talk about "Western Mass," what they really mean is "West of Boston." They don't even mean "farther West than Worcester." And Worcester is only about a third into the state.

Look at the map, people! There's an entire state out there. Big ol' open spaces. Rolling hillsides. Much more'n the big Can o' Beantown.

Be that as it may, people talk about "Western Mass" as if Boston is the center of the universe. The same way New Yorkers (at least those from The City) refer to Yonkers as "Upstate," not realizing that Dutchess County isn't on another planet. (In fact, it's not even half way up the state.)

How very provincial. When will the city dwellers learn?


Anonymous said...

That would mean that they'd have to admit that Vermont exists.

Anonymous said...

We fail to recognize Western Mass simply because it is a different lifestyle than the one we are accustom to. If you strip the crazy pace, the suicidal driving, the rude interaction, and the shopping outlets every other block... we feel like we just entered the 3rd ring of Hell.

It's odd really... I've driven all over New England, up into Canada. I've visited many west coast cities, and even been to Dublin... but I have never once considered traveling to Western Mass... ever. The thought has never even crossed my mind. You are very correct... it's as if it is a black hole.

Anonymous said...

Who really cares???

SaucyVixen said...

Well that question is just silly, isn't it?

Clearly I care. And so does anonymous #1 and bukes. If we didn't care we wouldn't write about it, would we?

I'm sorry you don't care. My advice would be to ignore the things you don't care about.

It's the American Way!