Saturday, March 10, 2007

Another Saturday night.

I was invited to two parties tonight. I was asked on a date or two. Mike mentioned coming out to see him in New York City. I had the world at my fingertips when I woke up this morning... all these possibilities. The options were endless.

I woke up before 9. I did some laundry. I went to Trader Joe's and Stop & Shop. I was productive. Then you know what I did? At noon, I had two meals, ate way too much, and justified it by with the notion that I'd not had breakfast. (I had Trader Joe's sushi as a warm up, a bagel with cream cheese and lox, and dessert of dried dragon fruit and chili-covered mango. Who eats like this??? I'm hoping I have a tapeworm; I think I may be losing my girlish figure.) Then I dicked around surfing the 'net and took a late-afternoon two-and-a-half-hour nap.

I'm up now. I could go out. But I'm wearing the plaid pajama pants that I stole from Caitlin in 1995, and an oversize sweatshirt. So I'm going to walk to the video store with my roommate. I'm not going to change. I'm not even going to put on a bra. But this option still seems the most appealing to me right now.

I must be getting old.

(Seriously, I'm not always this boring. I promise.)


Marissa Dupont said...

Boring shmoring, that sounds awesome. :)

Paul Bourque said...

Sometimes a nice quiet Saturday night is just the thing....

Anonymous said...

Poor, poor pitiful me!
Oh, these boys wont let me be
Lord have mercy on me!
Woe, woe is me!

-Terri Clark

Written by Warren Zevon

SaucyVixen said...

Touche. ;)