Monday, February 25, 2008

Come up with a moral lesson and win a prize!

Spoiler alert: I'm ruining the end of tonight's episode of Moment of Truth.

The premise of this television show: Contestants answer a series of questions while attached to a lie detector test. Then they go on the show and answer the questions on network prime-time television. The more questions the contestant answers "correctly," the more money she wins. The contestant may change her answer from what she answered while strapped to the lie detector machine (which is so accurate that it's inadmissible in court). If the contestant lies, all money is lost.

On tonight's episode, Contestant Laura won $100k. She decided to try for $200k because she'd already destroyed herself and her marriage. She had admitted to stealing money from an employer. She admitted to taking off her wedding ring when she went out with the girls. She admitted to believing that her ex-boyfriend is the man she should have married. She admitted to cheating on her husband of two years.

And then the question. You know. THE question. The question where she lost it all.

"Do you think you're a good person?"

She answered yes.

The lie detector determined that was a lie.

Oh, how The Saucy Vixen laughed and laughed.

The moral of the story? Hmmmm.... whoever comes up with the best Moral of the Story wins a prize, Saucy Vixen style!


Anonymous said...

That sounds like the end of a Twilight Zone episode.

1111 said...

Wow. I saw the promos for that, but had no idea thats how the game went. No moral of the story. The first thing that came to mind was that episode of Will and Grace. The one where her and Jack talk about going to the antique road show and the face people make when there junk isn't worth anything.

Jay said...

Moral of the story:

If you're going to ruin your life for 200K, sell drugs instead. Because unlike stupidity on national television, you may get a deferred imposition of sentence with a drug charge.

Anonymous said...

The moral is that if you do things that are wrong and still think you believe you are a good person it is a lie that you are telling yourself.