Wednesday, May 9, 2007

I've been outed.

The Powers That Be (i.e., the head of the agency for which I work) have discovered by blog.

At first, I was shocked and appalled. Alright, so I was a tad shocked, and not at all appalled. But it got me thinking. On my ride home from work today, I began second-guessing myself. Have I written anything that identifies who I am? Have I ever stated which state I work for? Is there anything I've written that would cast a pall on the agency? Do I talk about work? Do I identify cases? Has my first name ever appeared on this blog?

I've always been extremely careful in what I write, knowing that I have no expectation of privacy in any of it. I've attempted not to identify where I work. And short of stating that I hate VOP hearings (and let's face it -- who doesn't?), and that I had a great client who send me a thank you card, I've never written about work.

I got home and checked out the blog. Phew. Safe. I took out the one reference to my name, and the one reference to which bar exams I've taken. Done and done.

My mind is at ease. Now I must only live with the knowledge that the big boss knows of my unhealthy obsessions with bordellos and bad '80s music.


Anonymous said...

I got outed too. But I'm much more open than you are.

redbird said...

jeesh, how did they find it?