Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Weight Watchers if following me.

Those who have actually kept up with my poor, dying blog may remember that I joined Weight Watchers Online back in November 2007. By April, I had reached my goal weight, having dropped 26 lbs. Over the next few months, I dropped another 10, bringing the Total Weight Lost number to 36.

Having successfully completed my Lifestyle Change ("Stop dieting, start living" the commercials urge), I stopped tracking all my food and stopped counting POINTS, relying instead on what I had learned, combined with my increased exercise. Thus, since August, I've been maintaining my weight, having stopped the hard core Weight Watcher-ing. (Wouldn't that just be Weight Watching? I digress...)

But Weight Watchers if following me. I checked my gmail, only to be greeted by an ad telling me that I can eat whatever I desire on Weight Watchers (to which I bellow a hearty "bullshit"). Then I logged onto hotmail, only to be told that Weight Watchers has a brand new program for men (they don't -- it's the same as the women's program; men just get more points and a special message board titled Guys On A Diet, which kind of contradicts the entire "stop dieting" philosophy).

Weight Watchers is following me.

My friends tell me I'm paranoid.

But just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're not really out to get me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great job on reaching goal and especially doing well on keeping it off. I have lost 130 lbs on weight watchers. My before and after pics are at