Saturday, July 18, 2009

The world will never be the same.

For years, I have been lamenting the downfall of the English language. In 1997, I refused to use emoticons. Since then, I've given in.

In 2000, I started all my Instant Messages with capital letters. While I still use periods, commas, and even semicolons where applicable, my usage of capital letters has lapsed.

In the mid-2000s, I refused to meet any online dating suitor who replaced the letter u for the word "you" or the letter r for the word "are." If I were still single, I would likely abide by this rule. I mean, a girl's gotta have standards, right?

Through it all, I bemoaned the death of English. I railed against poor grammar. My arguments were cogent and articulate. I always had something to say. And yet, when I saw this, words failed me.

I haven't eaten McDonald's since 2007, so boycotting them now shall be an easy thing to do.

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